Sunday, April 6, 2008

Keeping the natural undergrowth

For a start, i think the undergrowth as a vital component of the whole eco-system should be maintained in its natural state as much as possible... Without the natural undergrowth, Tanarimba will just be another Lake Gardens, just a garden. The undergrowth sustains life at the lower levels of the rainforest, which then feeds the needs of life higher up the food chain, the birds like the hornbills and the raptors, until the primates like the gibbons and the dusky leaf monkeys. Of course along with those lovable creatures, we have the less lovable ones (depending on who we ask) like snakes, mosquitoes and leeches. These creatures and insects are naturally part of the jungle. They come as a package and they should be accepted as such. There are ways of course to distance ourselves from them without having to wipe them and their ecosystem out..
And if you have any experience in this area, let's share...

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