Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sounds like Macarena..

Is this the Macaranga or the Mallotus?

The Macaranga is a common tree found in disturbed forests areas. You'll spot it along the roads and many 'open' areas in Tanarimba. There are about 27 species of this tree in Malaysia and commonly known as Mahang in Malay.

One noticeable feature of this tree is the large sized heart-shaped leaves (smaller in adult trees).

Some species are ant-plants, basically with twigs becoming hosts to ants and other insects.

The Macaranga has tiny flowers, male and female on different trees. They are quick growing, evergreen and soft-wooded and will grow to about 70 feet.

The Mallotus is very alike the Macaranga except that it doesn't have gum in this bark. The main feature of the Mallotus is where the leaves have whitish undersides. As the wind sweeps through, this tree gives a contrasting two-toned look. The Mallotus is never ant-inhabited.

And then there is this interesting tree (pix below). Identification yet to be confirmed -but I think it is the Firmiana malayana. - Bullock's Eyes or Mata Lembu! It flowers twice a year in these parts... around February and July or August. And when it does, it usually drops all its leaves, leaving the tree with only the vivid orange flowers..... beautiful... Up to 70 feet in height and often grows at river banks.

(quoted from EJH Corner's Wayside Trees of Malaya)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very interested and los of useful info!