Wednesday, December 15, 2010

No need to lock the door, honey!

A recent email to me sort of prompted this idea which I think can absolutely work!

Are you one of those from the generation or kampong where you needn’t have to lock your door when you leave your house for the grocery shops? You know – the good old days?

Did you use to know your neighbours well enough to attend their children’s weddings as almost like an extended family member? Do you recall open houses that were truly open houses because the whole gang and more would come over for satay during Chinese New Year, or nasi lemak during Deepavali or muruku during Hari Raya?

We can actually bring back the good old days to Tanarimba. We are starting afresh in an area relaxed enough and hopefully, we can actually start leaving our houses without locking our doors! It only takes a little willingness and openness from Tanarimba residents… easy!

What do you say? Shall we give it a shot? Perhaps first with a get-to-know session at the Visitors Centre? Who’s in?

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